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60 Activities that can help when in need of an alternative focus - these can be used for Anger, S/H, or just general boredom!  

Thank you to all who contributed their ideas, I hope you can find something that helps :)  ~ Emma.


1.Writing - poems, letters, lists, planning for event, diary, a story, a blog.

2. Listen to soothing or vibrant music. 

3. Talk with somebody close to you. 

4. Visit the Pinterest website -a pinboard-style photo-sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, and hobbies. 

5. Put PVA glue on your hands, then peel it off.

6. Call/text a friend. 

7. Snap your wrist with a rubber band. 

8. Pop bubble wrap.

9. Take a nap. 

10. Blow bubbles

11. Read a good book. 

12. Work in the garden. 

13. Do arts and crafts - painting, making bracelets,colouring books/mandalas, crochet, drawing

14. Watch television, a film or some cartoons.

15. Bake or cook a meal for a loved one. 

16. Call a helpline 

17. Use washable, non-toxic markers to "cut" your skin. 

18. Let yourself cry. 

19. Dance. 

20. Learn a new skill/language/subject 

21. Exercise or work out in some way. 

22. Get a massage. 

23. Hug someone. 

24. Help someone - Offer others support /Volunteer work 

25. Draw a henna tattoo on yourself.

26. Play a musical instrument. 

27. Enjoying nature

28. Run around the block. 

29. Scream at the top of your lungs into a pillow. 

30. See a friend. 

31. Play with your pet.

32. Go shopping. 

33. Chat to others on social networking sites.

34. Sing. 

35. Look at things that are special to you.

36. Take a hot or cold shower.

37. Do a puzzle - jigsaw, Sudoku, crossword, word-search.

38. Throw things (such as ice cubes or your pillow, NOT something like glass). 

39. Photography & photo editing

40. Take a walk. 

41. Have a clear out of old stuff and donate

42. Go window shopping. 

43. Do yoga. 

44. Hit a punching bag. 

45. Clean your room or the house. 

46. DIY Project

47. listen to a relaxation tape 

48. Thinking about how your actions would affect a loved one

49. Go for a drive. 

50. Play a game - gaming console, phone, cards, board or Lego. 

51. aromatherapy

52.Watch funny vines on YouTube

53. Shred a phonebook or a newspaper into a thousand pieces. 

54. Play an instrument.

55. Masturbate

56. Make or work on a website/Facebook page. 

57. Take a long shower. 

58. Meditate. 

59. Pay attention to your breathing (breathe slowly, in through your nose and out through your mouth)

60. Blow up a balloon until it pops.



panic attack tips



* Cup your hands over your mouth and nose and breathe slowly. This works in the same way as breathing into a paper bag but its a lot more discreet.

* Take a long slow breath in, hold to the count of 7,  slowly let it out. Follow with a few normal breaths. Then  repeat as necessary. This also helps with hyperventilation. It also feels some what comforting if your breath feels short and high in the chest.


* Lower your gaze. Often when we are panicking the stimulus from all around us seems overwhelming. Light seems brighter, noise  louder etc. One good techniques is to lower your gaze towards the floor or ground until your panic has passed sufficiently.


*Listen to music. If you are at home or have headphones or a car stereo. Put on some relaxing ,or other, music that makes you feel good.  Lie down and do some breathing exercises. Let yourself relax.

* Move your focus but in a positive way. try and read, watch something  on t.v or perhaps write in a journalDon't just stay still and focus  on the symptoms.

* Realize that you have probably gone through this  many times, even hundreds of times. It has never hurt you, nor have the horrible things that come to your mind while you are panicking ever happened. Trust that the symptoms caused by panic attacks are just your fight or  flight response.  It wont harm you. It is just your bodies way of reacting to anxiety. There is nothing wrong with you physically, or mentally.  It will pass.

* Don't add more stress, or feelings similar to panic, by having  caffeine, nicotine, or other recreational drugs. While these  things are definitely not recommended to anyone who has a anxiety  disorder (nor to most other people)  Especially don't use them while  you are having a panic attack you will only make yourself feel  more anxious.

* If you feel while you are having a panic attack that you have  shortness of breath or heart palpitations. Try sitting in front of  a fan or an open window for a while. The breeze will ease this and ease your worries about your breathing.

Self help ideas

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